Rigid bag filters made of glass micro-fibre

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Rigid bag filters made of glass micro-fibre

The high capacity rigid bag filters (Series FTRVR) are a successful innovation with respect to the traditional soft bags. The filtering septum made on glass microfibre, water repellent and fireproof, is finely pleated and separate with continuous thermoplastic spacers. so you get a filter pack with small pleats and constant pitch, with constant with good dust accumulation capacity and low pressure drops.

For more information: see the data sheet

  • Frame: plastic
  • Filtering septum: glass microfibre paper
  • Efficiency class CEN EN 779: M6-F7-F9
  • Eurovent class: EU 6 - EU 7 - EU 9
  • Efficiency Ashrae 52.1992 Em: 65%-85%-95%
  • No of dihedrals: 3
  • Maximum operating temperature: 80°C

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